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Help Us Enhance Your NephU Experience

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Attend live and virtual events that provide a platform for education and collaborative discussion about the management of kidney disease and strategies to improve kidney health. 

Any NephU member can request a presentation for their region or organization at no charge.

Featured Events


COVID-19 & The Kidneys

In this webinar, Dr. Yongen Chang discusses the currently known pathophysiology of COVID-19 and important considerations in the care of patients with kidney disease.

Cooking Demo With Chef Duane: Three Tasty CKD & PKD Friendly Recipes

Empowering kidney disease patients to make informed decisions on healthy kidney food choices is key for improved outcomes. We hope that after tuning in you and your patients will find it easier to adopt and sustain a kidney friendly diet. 

Kidney Healthy Cooking Series Featuring Celebrity Chef JJ

We’re excited to present Chef JJ Johnson to the NephU & NephChef communities! In this series Chef JJ will introduce himself and share his personal connection to kidney disease. He will advise viewers how to shop for kidney healthy ingredients and recommend essentials to have in the pantry.

Kidney Healthy Cooking Series Featuring Celebrity Chef JJ: Episode 2

Cooking for your kidneys doesn’t have to be challenging or boring! Chef JJ demonstrates how healthy food can be easy, exciting, and delicious. Not only can the whole family get involved, but they can have fun and enjoy the same meals as well.

Discover The PKD Foundation’s ADPKD Centers Of Excellence Program

The PKD Foundation’s Centers of Excellence (COE) program is built upon the belief that the best way to provide ADPKD-centered care is through patient-focused, comprehensive care with the coordination and support of an integrated care team.