Attend live and virtual events that provide a platform for education and collaborative discussion about the management of kidney disease and strategies to improve kidney health. 

Any NephU member can request a presentation for their region or organization at no charge.

Featured Events


Genetic Testing In Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD)

Please join us as our leading expert, Neera Dahl, MD, PhD unravels the complexities of genetic testing in ADPKD, recommendations on when genetic testing is appropriate and indicated, and the different types of molecular genetic tests available.

Hot Topics In Polycystic Kidney Disease Nutrition: A Panel Discussion

Join us for a panel discussion featuring 3 experts in the renal nutrition field. They will discuss hot topics and the latest research in PKD nutrition including plant-based and ketogenic diets, specific dietary guideline approaches, and kidney protective mechanisms.

Hot Topics In Polycystic Kidney Disease Nutrition: A Panel Discussion

Join us for a panel discussion featuring 3 experts in the renal nutrition field. They will discuss hot topics and the latest research in PKD nutrition including plant-based and ketogenic diets, specific dietary guideline approaches, and kidney protective mechanisms.

Factors Influencing Drug Dialyzability

In this webinar, we will review medication information resources and present an approach to administration of medications when dialyzability data are limited in the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis populations.

Factors Influencing Drug Dialyzability

In this webinar, we will review medication information resources and present an approach to administration of medications when dialyzability data are limited in the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis populations.

Hyperuricemia In CKD & Specific Considerations In ADPKD

This webinar will cover biochemistry and physiology of uric acid and its pathway. We will discuss the pathophysiology of uric acid in gout, CKD, and ADPKD. We will also discuss therapeutic options and the current controversies around them.