Attend live and virtual events that provide a platform for education and collaborative discussion about the management of kidney disease and strategies to improve kidney health. 

Any NephU member can request a presentation for their region or organization at no charge.

Featured Events


Supporting Organization Spotlight: IgA Nephropathy Foundation

As Rare Disease Day is February 28th, the NephU community would like to raise awareness about IgA Nephropathy, a rare kidney disease. NephU will spotlight one of their newest Supporting Organizations: The IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) Foundation.

Supporting Organization Spotlight: IgA Nephropathy Foundation

As Rare Disease Day is February 28th, the NephU community would like to raise awareness about IgA Nephropathy, a rare kidney disease. NephU will spotlight one of their newest Supporting Organizations: The IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) Foundation.