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Cultural Competence In Health Care: Laying The Foundation

A joint webinar for NephU & PsychU members


Delivering high-quality and equitable care to an increasingly diverse population is a challenge faced by individual health care providers and health care systems. Cultural competence has been described as an approach to reduce disparities and improve health care quality within the health care system. But what exactly is cultural competence?

Drs Valerie Purdie-Greenaway and Elizabeth Bennett will answer this question and more as they discuss the origin of cultural competence and how tailoring health care delivery to meet the social, cultural, and linguistic needs of individual patients may not only improve the patient-provider relationship but also lead to improved outcomes.

During this webinar, they will review the key building blocks of cultural competence, including cultural awareness, knowledge, skill, desire, and encounters. Finally, Drs Purdie-Greenaway and Bennett will introduce the concept of cultural humility and discuss how this dynamic and lifelong process can be used to enrich cultural competence.


  • The definition of cultural competence
  • Why cultural competence is important in health care
  • The origins of cultural competence as a concept
  • The components of cultural competence
  • How cultural humility relates to cultural competence

*Speakers are paid consultants of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC). Ms Kimberly Lonergan and Dr Mark Tacelosky are employees of OPDC.

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Featured Speakers
Valerie Purdie Greenaway

Valerie Purdie Greenaway, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychology
    Columbia University in the City of New York, New York, NY*

Dr Valerie Purdie Greenaway is a social psychologist who conducts research regarding people with threatened identities and examines the consequences of their experiences for intergroup relations. The primary goal of her research is to deepen our understanding of culture and intergroup relations in society and to eventually inform educational and public policies.

M. Elizabeth Bennett

M. Elizabeth Bennett, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC*

Dr Betsy Bennett is a clinical health psychologist who develops content and interventions in the healthcare space that are designed to help patients and healthcare providers navigate difficult conversations and situations. She is also adjunct faculty at the Adams School of Dentistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she teaches and conducts research.

Kimberly Lonergan

Kimberly Lonergan, RN, MSN

Senior Medical Science Liaison
    Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.*

Kimberly Lonergan, RN, MSN, is a Senior Medical Science Liaison with Otsuka Neuroscience Medical Affairs.

Mark Tacelosky

Mark Tacelosky, PharmD

Senior Medical Science Liaison
    Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc.*

Mark Tacelosky, PharmD, is a Senior Medical Science Liaison with Otsuka Neuroscience Medical Affairs.



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